Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One More Week...going strong!

Hey everyone,

So it's weird to think that this is one of the last emails I will be writing from Puerto Rico. I assume they will be giving me email time on Wednesday when I arrive at the mission office, they usually do but maybe not. It's crazy to think my time here in Puerto Rico is coming to an end. It hasn't really hit me yet as far as the work goes. I'm sure it will hit me thursday morning when I am on the way to the airport. I'm excited to see all of you but it's sad to realize my time here is coming to an end. But anyway... One more week going strong.

This week has been pretty hard, lots of rain here too. Tons of rain! Today is the first time the sun has come out in about 8 days. It gets pretty old trying to find things to do when there is no one in the streets to talk to but we are working hard and I know we'll start finding more families. We found quite a few cool families this week so we'll see how that goes, but we saw the biggest miracle on Sunday. That's what it is, really, nothing short of a miracle because there is this family that has been less active for years. The ward told us to go look for them. The husband is a former bishop. The elders have passed by many times and they never open the door. The husband hides from them and the only time they've let us in, he didn't come out of the back room. The mom and daughter and the two grandkids are super cool and they let us in but from the beginning they were reluctant. They were reluctant to give us their phone number and don't want any of the members to have it. So we just stopped by once and that Sunday as we were just staing sacrament meeting I looked out the glass window that shows the foyer and I saw them walking in; Daughter, Mom and DAD! Wow, I was shocked. Hermana Castillo started to cry. The look on the elder's faces were priceless. I really don't know what it was that motivated them to come after all these years, especially the father who has been so not receptive to anyone. Wow, that was so great to see, even though the investigators are few I feel like things are going to get better here.

Love you all a ton. Have a great week!

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