Hey Family,
Another week in Bayamon has gone by and I can’t believe how fast it went. It’s been an amazing week. The best thing that happened is that Emma is getting baptized! We are so excited! We left her the pamphlet and 2 Nephi 31 to read and so she knew what we were going to talk about before we got there. I am pretty sure that she had already sort of made up her mind to say yes before we even taught the lesson. She’s getting baptized on the 13th and confirmed on the 14th which is the weekend before Hermana Venegas goes home. So we couldn’t be happier. She went to sacrament meeting and she was so happy she just loved it so much. She told us after, well basically the spanish equivalent of “they're going to have to drag me away from here”. She told me that she learned so much and she just loves coming to church and listening to our lessons because she is learning so many things she never knew before. She says. It’s just so amazing to see someone change their life completely and accept doctrines that are so different from what they know and see how much hope it brings to their life.
Another amazing thing that happened this week is that we got to listen to Elder and Sister Bednar and Elder and Sister Costa of the seventy and Elder and Sister Viñas, the caribean area president. We heard from their wifes who each bore their testimonies then Elder Vinas and Elder Costa talked for a bit and then there was a little less than 2 hours where Elder Bednar had a sort of question and answer session. He had given us talks beforehand which we studied personally, as companionships and then also at Zone Conference so that we could be prepared for him to come. The talks are amazing, they are called Seek Learning by Faith and Ask in Faith. After reading these he asked us to come prepared with questions to ask. He then did a question and answer session but the coolest thing was that he never really answered them with straight answers. He would tell people that they should read certain parts of the scriptures looking for certain things. He would encourage them to do more studying to find their answer for themselves instead of “borrowing his answer”. His whole point was teaching us how to seak our own answers through prayer and acting in faith. We talked a lot about how to teach our investigators to do the same, that we are really teaching them how to act, keep commitments, find their own answers through the scriptures and prayer etc. I wish I could tell you all the stuff that we talked about it was absolutely amazing. It is so cool to be sitting in a chapel just 4 rows back from an apostle. Such an amazing experience.
Other than that things in Bayamon have been sort of same old thing. Hasn’t been raining as much here which is great and we’ve had a really busy week with tons of lessons and a lot of really good investigators. And sadly we’ve had a hard time tracking others down. It’s pretty depressing when you have an investigator that was progressing and do so well that you can’t get a hold of. Things are good though. This week will be a little crazy because Hermana Venegas and another Sister in the mission that is also in her last transfer will be doing intercambios these next three weeks. That means that Hermana Venegas and this other sister will be going around the island and doing exchanges with sisters in order to help train them on certain things. That means that for about 3-4 days out of the week for the next three weeks I will be with other sisters. I am excited to get to know some of the other sisters in the mission but it also means a lot of driving back and forth and traveling around the island and I will have to show the other sisters around the area and get to the know the investigators and members. It will be a good learning experience. It’s going to be a super crazy last few weeks and then Hermana Venegas will be going home. So weird. I’ll let you know how these next few weeks go.
Sounds like things are going good at home from what I heard from Mom. That’s cool that you’ll be doing the knitting thing at the Wool Cabin. You should find some way to express mail some of those enchiladas my way. Last night we ate some interesting food, liver and gizards sound good? Aparantly it’s a traditional Puerto Rican food from the campo. Don’t worry normally we eat really good. Hope everything is going good at home. Love you all.
{Here is the picture of the pastel in last weeks letter...the picture didn't go through}
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